It’s a bit more traditionally structured than what we usually do and would probably be considered one of the ‘softer’ songs. Tom: “This, again, was us trying to do something different. It’s a very introspective song, but it’s still positive.” Tom: “We are a metal band and we are happy with that, but we are a band that likes to experiment with our sounds as well, and this is one of those occasions where we really tried to do something that we have never done before and it payed off. Sam: “This is a song I was excited to hear before we had even got in the studio, because we worked so hard on it, and getting it right.” There is a tendency in people to not want to acknowledge the dark spot we’re in – people seem to care more about what Kim Kardashian had for breakfast than they do about climate change.” Thematically, I think we’re in a pretty dark time in the world right now, and this is just trying to address that. Sam: “It’s like Boiler by Limp Bizkit, that riff. I can’t imagine playing it in a small club, and I think it might have the best riff I’ve ever written.” Tom: “This is a song that’s built for huge venues. Sam: “It’s aggressive in a different way.” It’s a really different vibe, I don’t think we’ve ever done a song that’s quite like that before. Don’t worry, they’re coming! This song’s got a bit of a Deftones-meets-Meshuggah vibe to it. Tom: “There’s lots of riffs! I’ve never counted myself as much of a ‘riffsman’, so I’m cultivating a lot of confidence now. Sam: “I’d say the first riff that kicks in on this is one of the biggest riffs we’ve ever had.” I mean, we /do/ have a deathwish! I think we’re too far gone now to rectify the damage we’ve done to the planet. Sam: “The title refers to humans and what our society is doing. It does not store any personal data.Tom: “This is a traditional Architects track.” The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".

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